The fountain in Dorfstrasse is the oldestof the 18 Matten fountains still in existence.The double fountain was built ofGoldswil-stone slabs in 1826 by PeterTschiemer. Horses are still watered hereevery day and during the cattle drives tothe Alpine pastures, people and animalsrefresh themselves at this beautiful villagefountain. Our region is surrounded byglaciers, mountain lakes, rivers, streamsand springs and earns a living from andwith water. Every year, some 18,000 touristsenjoy holidays directly or indirectlywith water: winter sport, ice climbing,hiking alongside countless bodies of water,lake cruises, water sport, canyoningand river rafting.
«Did you know? Children andtourists from near and far sometimestreat themselves to arefreshing bathe in a fountain.Go ahead, it’s allowed.»