Matten’s newest fountain was built in1996 together with the constructionof new apartments for the elderly. Thestone used came from the Grimsel regionand was hewn by von Bergen stone masonsfrom the village of Guttannen. Thename Pfandstatt comes from the placewhere at one time objects or cattle weredeposited as surety (Pfand). The secondMatten school, now a kindergarten, waslocated here. An anecdote from the firsthalf of the 20th century tells of a severewinter when the water of the toilet (aprivy at the time) was frozen. TeacherAugust Flückiger took action and usedhis army weapon to “shoot the wayclear”. And the school children had afunctioning toilet once more.



«Did you know? The proportionof freshwater on the earth isonly 3% of which 98% is storedin the polar ice, glaciers andground water that is difficultto access.»